Family Constellations Training and Experience

Brendan O’Brien
Brendan holds a First class Honours Degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
He has completed a Masters Thesis by Research on Suicide, Trauma and Family Constellations.
2010 – 2016 International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA) Residential Intensive, Germany (420 hours)
Hunter Beaumont, Gunthard Weber, Jacob Schneider, GuniBaxa, Albrecht Mahr, Judith Hemming, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, Fransesca Mason Boring, Stephan Hausner, Jane Peterson, Christine Blumenstein-Essen, Sieglinde Schneider, Jan Jacob Stam
2013 Connecting Fields International Systemic Conference in Copenhagen (25 Hours)
2013 Infosyon Organisational Systems Conference, Hellinger Institute of Holland (25 hours)
2004 – 2007 Hellinger Institute of Britain – Family Constellations Training (250 hours)
Richard Wallstein, Judith Hemming, Karen Hedley, Jutta ten Herkel, Barbara Stones
2006 - 2007 Constellations Work Trainings UK – Systemic Constellations Professional Training – Total (130 hours)
Dr. Albrecht Mahr, Prof. Franz Ruppert, Dr. Ursula Franke, Vivian Broughton
2008 - 2009 Constellations Work Trainings UK (84 hours)
Professor Franz Ruppert – Becoming the Person you Really Are – Trauma and Family Constellations
2001 – 2016 Irish Group for Systemic Constellation Work (300 hours)
formerly The Bert Hellinger Institute of Ireland
Dr. Hunter Beaumont Teaching Seminar on Family Systems Therapy (2 days)
Workshop on Working with the Destructive Superego (6 days)
Sneh Victoria Schnabel (2 days)
Dr. Albrecht Mahr (14 days)
Professor Franz Ruppert (12days)
Stephan Hausner (6 days)
A variety of workshops with Carmel Hamill, Breda Perrim and Colette Green
2005-2010 Ochre, Cork – Colette Green
Brendan has acted as a Support Person for Colette at numerous workshops
2008 – Bert Hellinger Workshop London (2 days)
How Love Succeeds - Bert Hellinger
Family Constellations offer the possibility of healing personal and family difficulties in a new and creative way. Based on the Orders of Love as described by Bert Hellinger constellations give us insights into the hidden dynamic of our family system.
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Eileen O'Brien
Introduced to Constellation Work by Carmel Hamill, Anne Kavanagh and Breda Perrem in the mid 90s Eileen trained for two years in Family Constellations in Dublin. She took two years further training in Cork with The Bert Hellinger Institute of Ireland. She was part of an Irish Supervision Group led by Hunter Beaumont for two years and has experience of working with Albrecht Mahr, Franz Ruppert, Stephan Hausner, and Sneh Victoria Schnabel She has also attended the Residential Intensive of International Systemic Constellations Association in Bernried, Germany. She has attended workshops run by Hunter Beaumont and Bert Hellinger. She has worked as a Support Person at numerous workshops run by Colette Green in Cork (Ochre.ie).
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