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Family Constellations Workshop
Our Family Constellations Workshops take place over two days and offer a unique opportunity for personal healing and growth in a safe space. You can explore and address issues or concerns that arise in your day-to-day life.
People have described this work as "an enriching experience" that is "unexpectedly powerful".
Spring/Summer 2024:
Workshops run Saturday and Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm
January 20-21: Mardyke House - Full
April 6-7: Mardyke House - Waiting List Open
February 24-25: Glasthule, Dun Laoghaire - Waiting List Open
April 20-21: Glasthule, Dun Laoghaire - Final Places
Cost: €200
Secure a place with a €50 deposit. Balance of €150 to be paid two weeks in advance of a workshop. Maximum of 14 places available per workshop.
Fulfills conditions for CPD with IACP and IAHIP
Unresolved traumatic events, in our own lives or from the past, can continue to affect family members over generations. Depression, ill-health, mental illness or failure to thrive can often be traced back to the influence of such events. The early death of a parent or child, abuse, adoption, war, famine, abortion or emigration can all have a profound influence on the life of a family. Sometimes children are carrying pain that does not belong to them. There can come a time in our lives when we know it is right for us to look again at the traumatic event. We cannot change what happened, but with the right support we can allow ourselves to heal from the trauma as we move to a new place in our lives.
At the workshop, we strive to create a Safe Space where participants support one another as they share family stories. When a person decides to 'work', Brendan will talk with the client and help them identify what might be most helpful in dealing with the presenting difficulty. This is a collaborative process.
The client is usually asked to select people to "represent" family members and place them in relation to one another. As representatives are put in place they begin to experience a variety of feelings and thoughts that give information that is often very significant for the client and their family. This phenomenon is at the core of family constellations and helps clients and their families find a better pathway into the future.
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