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Facilitation Training in Family Constellations 

Core Concepts of Family Constellations 
Level One: Cork and Dublin 2023-24
Learn the history, theory and practice of Family Constellations Work in a safe and supportive environment. 
Training for 2023-24 is now full. Details for 2024-25 tbc. 

Training Suitable For:
  • Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Doctors and Health Professionals  who wish to enhance their existing practice
  • Helping Professionals in areas such as Education, Justice, Youth Work and  Social Care
  • All those who work with families who have to cope with trauma, violence, addiction and a range of other difficulties.
  • Individuals interested in exploring their own family story. 
The training includes inputs, exercises and presentations, as well as the opportunity for each participant to do one personal constellation. The Constellations will give us an opportunity to Observe and Practise the theory as well as develop the Skills involved in Constellation Work. Participants will receive reading material and resources for each module.
Based on the needs of the group, we will offer opportunities for reflection, personal development and small group work in a safe and supervised setting. 

Cork 2023-24

October 6th - 8th
November 10th - 12th
January 26th - 28th
March 1st - 3rd

Mardyke House, Cork

Dublin 2023-24

October 13th - 15th
December 1st - 3rd
February 9th - 11th
March 22nd - 24th

Total Cost €1800
€200 discount available for advance payments.
Payment Schedule:
Deposit: €200 to secure your place.
4 payments of €400 payable two weeks in advance of each weekend. 
Advance Payment Discount:
Deposit: €200 to secure your place.
One payment of €1,400 payable in advance of Weekend One.

Places at this Training are limited to 16 people on a first come first served basis.
Fulfils conditions for CPD with IACP and IAHIP
Queries to or you can call Brendan on 0876599589.

Weekend One

Group Formation and Introduction to Core Concepts
Forming our Group – Contract – A Systemic View of the Family – The Orders of Love - The Holding Circle

Weekend Three

Family Constellations in Personal Therapy
Constellation Work in a One-to-One Setting – Working with Dolls - Standing in a Role - Handing Back - Past, Present and Future

Weekend Two

Presence and The Phenomenological Stance
The Knowing Field - Representative Perception - Attunement – Observation - The Phenomenological Stance

Weekend Four

Core Steps in a Constellation
The Constellation Process - Holding the Work – Trauma – Safety - The Interview - Setting up a Constellation - In Service of the Client
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